Node.js boilerplate with express, helmet, cors, xss-protection, mysql, session, cookie and express-handlebars view engine and many more..
Well structured Node.js app. It uses mysql as database and express-handlebars as template and jest test package. It has bootstrap 4 integrated. Only two urls added for example * / for all users, * /my for all logged in user.
The sensor uses non-contact ultrasound sonar to measure the distance of an object, and consists of two ultrasonic transmitters (speakers), a receiver, and a control circuit. It emits ultrasound at 40k Hz which travels through the air and if there is an object or obstacle on its path it will bounce back to the receiver.
My breadboard is super simple. I have a LED that will turn HIGH when anything between 30cm to 60cm in the sensor. You can adjust this value as you need.