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Latest articles and tips

  • Essential App Store Checklist: Launch Your App with Confidence
    This blog post “Essential App Store Checklist: Launch Your App with Confidence” provides a comprehensive guide for developers preparing to launch their mobile app on various app stores. It emphasizes the importance of thorough preparation to ensure a smooth launch and successful visibility. Key elements:… Read more: Essential App Store Checklist: Launch Your App with Confidence
  • Sync your Macs with iCloud
    As a software developer, I always strive to streamline my workflow and maximize the tools at my disposal. One of the challenges I faced was synchronizing my Macs with various Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and editors I used for different projects, especially all the snippets… Read more: Sync your Macs with iCloud
  • VS Code for Laravel Development
    VS Code for Laravel Development VS Code is one of the best editors available to developers now, no doubt about it, I always wanted to have such an editor which would support 4/5 languages. Changing your editor or IDE for each language is cumbersome, many… Read more: VS Code for Laravel Development
  • Android ExoPlayer with Fullscreen button
    Android ExoPlayer ExoPlayer is an open-source media player for Android developed by Google. It is designed to be used as a replacement for the Android platform’s built-in media player, and it offers many advanced features such as dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH), smooth streaming,… Read more: Android ExoPlayer with Fullscreen button
  • Generic in Swift
    Generic in Swift In the Swift programming language, the term “generic” refers to a type or function that can work with any type, rather than being tied to a specific type. This allows for greater flexibility and code reuse. For example, a generic function can… Read more: Generic in Swift
  • Extensions in Swift
    Extensions in Swift In Swift, an extension is a way to add new functionality to an existing class, structure, enumeration, or protocol type. This can include adding new methods, computed properties, and initializers, as well as providing new implementations of existing methods, properties, and subscripts.… Read more: Extensions in Swift
  • Subscript in Swift
    Subscript in Swift By implementing Subscript we can set and retrieve structure value by index (associative array or dictionary style) without separate methods for setting and retrieval. Classes and Enumerations can define subscripts too. For example, I want to build an Address struct that can… Read more: Subscript in Swift
  • Associated Type in Swift
    Associated Type in Swift In Swift, an associated type is a placeholder name for a type that is used as part of the protocol. The actual type to be used for the associated type is not specified until the protocol is adopted. Associated types are… Read more: Associated Type in Swift
  • MySQL RANGE Partition
    MySQL RANGE Partition When partition doesn’t help It’s tempting to believe that partition will solve performance problems. But it is so often wrong. Partitioning splits up one table into several smaller tables. But table size is rarely a performance issue. Instead, I/O time and indexes… Read more: MySQL RANGE Partition
  • Decode Apple Receipt
    Decode Apple Receipt Verify with the server-side click here